
At Somerset Bridge Group, we are enthusiastic about what we do; see our blog entries below for details on how we engage with our employees, customers, and the Group.

Time to read: 2 Minutes
Somerset Bridge Group Acquired By Arch

In August 2021 Somerset Bridge Group was Acquired by Arch Re.

Arch Re is a leading global A+ rated Reinsurer which currently operates in over twenty locations

William Soares, Head of Specialty for Arch Re said, “Somerset has been a client of Arch Re f...

Time to read: 10 Minutes
New Starter Q&A – Jack Batten

What attracted you to join Somerset Bridge Group?

"It was clear to see that SBG were an innovative, forward-thinking business that has had significant growth over the past few years. This is something I wanted to be a part of; contributing to its growth, efficiencies, culture and the exceptional impac...

Time to read: 10 Minutes
My Role as Chair of Somerset Bridge Insurance Services 

As we start moving through 2021 and the ongoing battle with the Pandemic I thought it was a good time to reflect on my year as Chairman of Somerset Bridge Insurance Services. Quite obviously it has simply been a year like no other and I don't think Im alone in hoping that we will never see its like again!!

It has how...

Time to read: 10 Minutes
A Strange Start

I started working for Somerset Bridge Group (SBG) in May 2020 as Head of Pricing. It was a strange time to start a new role as the world was in the middle of a pandemic and the whole country was in lockdown. Notwithstanding the odd circumstances, I considered myself incredibly lucky to not only have a role, but also that my fully-remote onboarding went seamlessly, allowing me to make connect...

Time to read: 2 Minutes
Employee Engagement Survey
At SBG we recognise that our people are the key to our success which is why retention and attraction formulate part of our strategic objectives. In 2021 we needed to assess our employee engagement levels to understand what we were doing well and where we could improve our employee experience. Following on from the survey, to demonstrate the organisation’s commitment to actioning change we lau...

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