Somerset Bridge Group Gender Pay Gap Report 2021
Our Good News Stories
50/50 Gender split on our board
Our overall split of employees across the business is 50% male and 50% female and we are proud that this also extends to our board members.

41% of our Senior Leadership Team are women
Our Senior Leadership Team and current managers although not split completely equally, still represent a diverse split by gender. But we’re looking to close the gap.

72% of employees feel they are treated fairly
In our recent employee engagement survey 72% of employees answered positively to “SBG ensures that all employees are treated fairly”.

What we are working on
Gender Pay Gap
Our gender pay gap is driven by the gender split in our highest paid roles (top quartile) with 65% being men and 35% being women and our lower paid roles (lower quartile) being split by 67% female and 34% male.

An Equal Future
Whilst we are proud to have so many women in leadership roles, we recognise that our 2021 Gender Pay Gap figures indicate that we still have work to do. It is essential that we continue to recruit female talent to assist us in further closing the gap and develop female talent which we do via our Future Leadership programme.

A Better Work-life Balance
We regularly monitor our flexible working practices and the past two years has allowed us to develop a hybrid working model, allowing for a better work/life balance for all employees, as well as implementing some enhanced family friendly benefits in 2021.
90% of our employees feel hybrid working offers a great work/life balance.

Our Published Report
Our actions and intent to be a business that is fair, equal and inclusive is Group-wide. The report published on the Government website reflects our Somerset Bridge Limited entity as the only business in the Group with over 250 employees. The below offers a comparison of the published report vs the Group-wide picture.